For all of the obvious
biological, historical, social, developmental and plainly human reasons, a
child’s best bet for a good life is to have two parents around all the time.
But here’s the problem:
today, more than 40 percent of American kids are born to unmarried mothers.
Now, I am not simply
trying to make a doctrinaire case for marriage. Manifestly, a man and a woman
don’t have to be married to have a baby.
The point is: too many
unmarried new parents either pay no attention to the new baby (as in, the single
mom phenomenon) or the new moms and dads don’t have staying power—roughly half
of new moms and dads have gone their separate ways by the time the unfortunate
kid reaches the age of 5.
And here’s another devastating
fact: 60 percent of kids born out of wedlock are “surprises”—the parents didn’t
intend to have these unfortunate babies. That’s about 1,000,000 children, every
year, brought into this largely unforgiving world with a couple strikes against
them before they take their first breath.
This is a problem for all
of us. These kids don’t get started on the right foot, and too many of them end
up taking too many wrong steps during their lives, and too many of them never
get enough traction to live a happy life.
We need to have a
stronger private and public will to avoid making babies until both parents are
ready make an enduring commitment to change all the diapers and read the
bedtime stories and run behind the bikes with training wheels and….
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