That's not fiscal responsibility, it's insanity.
in the U.S. has averaged about 2.7% every year since 1990. It's hard to believe,
but prices in general are up more than 80% in the last 22 years.
The stuff
that governments buy or pay for, like Medicare health costs, highways, bridges,
armies, food inspections, education, snow removal, and all that other stuff, gets
more expensive every year.
Yet, Congress
has repeatedly cut tax rates in the last two decades.
Our federal
deficit has been growing every year.
Yet, Congress
has repeatedly cut tax rates in the last two decades.
Both Democrats
and Republicans have been going in the wrong direction on taxes.
We all want
all the stuff and services that government provides. Most of us want to reduce the
federal deficit.
It's about
time that we start raising taxes on everybody.
OK, we'll
exempt the very poor.
But let's
be honest, a lot of folks who make less than $250,000 need to pay more taxes too.
And the very
wealthy need to pay a much bigger chunk of their fair share.