Monday, July 7, 2014

Darn near everybody doesn’t watch Fox News

A new report on prime time TV ratings in the U. S. shows that less than 1% of adults watch Fox news.

Now, relative to MSNBC and CNN, Fox is a sort of powerhouse—the other two cable news channels get way less than half of 1 percent of the adult prime time audience.

But common sense suggests that we just talk about the absolute numbers: there are about 239 million adults in the U. S., and less than 1.6 million of them are watching Fox News after dinner.

Why do the news media and political commentators pay so much attention to the twisted blather that gets dished out non-stop on Fox News?

Why don’t we just call it “Fox News (wink)” and let it go at that….

...and I'm not keen on the garble from Rachel and her buddies, either....

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