Thursday, October 17, 2013

Here's what the budget deal cost you….

About $3,000.

So, Congress finally passed a bipartisan budget/debt limit deal.

What a relief! What a horror!

No time now to curse the hateful inability of Congress to do The People's work.

Let's get back to work.

But here's the deal: the Reid/McConnell deal cost you a lot, not only in terms of anxiety.

The New York Times very roughly estimates that the two-week government shutdown, and the self-serving waffling about honoring America's debts in the world  market, and the failure of Congress to pursue sensible economic policies in recent years, has cost you plenty.

You're paying more for credit card interest, loans and mortgages because financial markets have been roughed up by Congressional stupidity.

Roughly a million more people would be working now if Congress had been doing ITS job.

Roughly $400 billion was lost in national economic growth—if you think of it as every household flushing $3,000 down the toilet, you're on the right track….

Why do we keep re-electing the people who won't do The People's business?

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