Sunday, October 13, 2013

Zoos and politics shouldn't mix….

This kid wants to see the animals. That's why he got all dressed up.

Keeping zoos open isn't the highest and noblest function of our government….

But this is the hateful, stupid, annoying, unbelievable, dispiriting kind of fallout we get when our representatives in Washington play dangerous political games, and leave the rest of us twisting slowly in the wind.

Why do we keep re-electing these people who won't do The People's business?


  1. The elected tea oarties are doing what the people elected them to do, hold down government and spending. God bless them. The liberals want to spend tax and expand government similar to the rest of the world that is falling apart, it didn't work there and is not going to work here.

    1. I think what Anonymous means is: cut the government spending/services that don't obviously benefit me directly or indirectly, and keep the government spending/services that do benefit me directly or indirectly......or perhaps Anonymous doesn't use interstate highways or eat government-inspected food or drink city water or....
