Saturday, February 15, 2014

If it’s not hatred, what is it?

Two Republican senators are ramping up the right-wing crusade against gay people.

I’m pretty sure that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) know lots of people who are gay—all of us know lots of people who are gay. We may not actually know for sure about which ones are gay, but gay people are our family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers.

Cruz and Lee don’t want to give full human consideration and respect to gay people. Why? Is it hatred?

My dictionary defines hatred to be “intense dislike or ill will.”

I think it’s hatred.

Or, as my trusted personal advisor suggests, maybe it’s fear.

Either way, it ain't pretty. I don’t understand it.

Last week Cruz and Lee introduced the “State Marriage Defense Act” in the Senate.

The short version is: these elected representatives of all the people in their states want to restrict the federal government’s insistence that all individual states must recognize marriages that are legal in other states. The senators want to exalt an individual state’s right to deny marriage to two gay people who love each other.

Cruz and Lee are flaunting their doctrinaire bias against homosexuality. It ain’t pretty.

I wonder how many gay folks are personal friends, staffers or campaign workers for Cruz and Lee?

Imagine that you are one of them….

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