Friday, July 19, 2013

Walk in their shoes?.... reports that almost 1 out of 4 black men, ages 18-34, say they've been "treated unfairly" by police in the past 30 days.

Think about the ethnic/racial/demographic group you're in, define it any way you like....

....if 25 per cent of the young men in your group said they'd been hassled by the cops in the past 30 days, how would you feel?

What would you do about it?


  1. I wouldn't feel very good about being harassed by the police then again I wouldn't feel very good about a 40% drop out rate in high school, not knowing who my father was or the fathers of my 4 siblings, about knowing the name of the local drug dealer as opposed the principal of the school or the fact that we have bars on our windows and doors and are afraid to go out after dark for fear of crime. We, as a country, have a lot of work to do but the black community has more and it's not getting done by the stupid rhetoric of the Zimmerman trial, stand your ground laws or Al Sharpton.

    1. Technically, this is called "displacement"....
