Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"...the do-nothingest Congress ever!"

Ezra Klein, over at the, had a tasty item yesterday on his Wonkbook blog:

The 113th Congress now in session is making a serious run for the title as the laziest Congress in history.

I think that's a polite way to say that all those Senators and Congresspersons are just completely focused on playing their let's-get-reelected political games, and so they're not spending any time on doing the real people's business, like boosting growth in our national economy and helping to create jobs for the millions of Americans who want to work.

So far in the current session, the 113th Congress has passed 15 bills that became law. That's not even one every week. We have enough national problems to make a-bill-a-day seem like the right pace, more or less….

Klein mentioned that the current crew of 535 incumbents are "less popular than dirt mixed with mud."

Why do we keep re-electing these people? Most voters could honestly say that Congress isn't looking out for their interests….

1 comment:

  1. The less they do the better off we are. If they could only undo some laws then that would be great!!
