Sunday, September 8, 2013

Who benefits?

Matt Miller at estimates that unreasonably high costs of drugs and health care, combined with ineffective and unnecessary  treatments, and outright fraud, cost Americans $1 trillion every year in "excess" health care expenses.

That's a trillion reasons why we need more effective health care reform as a national priority.

Of course the point isn't simply to save money—but saving $1 trillion, or even a big chunk of that big chunk, would make millions and millions and millions more available to pay for health care that actually makes you and me healthier, and makes lots more Americans healthier.

Why won't our federal government allow the Social Security system to negotiate on prices with big drug companies?

Why aren't we building new prisons to hold all of the quack doctors and flim-flam artists who are fraudulently draining the health care system of way too much money?

Why are we using federal government tax revenues to help pay for drug research, when Big Pharma is hauling Big Profits to the bank?

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