Wednesday, October 1, 2014

From your Viking friends: “Ves heill!”

The Vikings were badass marauders, right?

Well, of course they were, but they weren’t completely bad guys….

Historians and archeologists tell us that Vikings liked poetry, and they took a bath once a week (the Norse word for “Saturday” is, roughly, “bath day”).

The folks at report that the hirsute Vikings combed their hair every day, used tweezers and ear spoons (!), and consequently the hygienically-advanced raiders were rewarded, on their excursions in England, with the kind attentions of the local maidens who shunned the shaggy and odoriferous English lads….or so the story goes….

Some of our everyday words, like “eggs” and “steak” and “cake,” have Norse origins.

Oh, and here’s the other thing: Vikings really didn’t wear the horned helmets much, if at all, so if you have one of ‘em, you may be cool when you wear it to parties, but it’s not historically correct.

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