Saturday, April 7, 2012

GOP Veep Stakes: hot air balloons....

I don't really understand how they did it, but the news media and the cable TV talking heads apparently have decided that reporting on the Republican primary campaign isn't fun anymore, so they've declared that the primary is "over." Romney is it. End of story. Wait—you say that Romney only has 658 delegates so far, about 57% of the total he needs for the nomination? Hush your mouth…

I don't know if Romney will get the nomination for sure….no one else knows, either…(and I may be less interested than average in knowing how it turns out, I'm going to vote for President Obama).

Anyway, the next thing I don't really understand is the obvious swing by the news media and cable TV talking heads over to the endlessly debatable speculation about who Romney (or whoever) will pick for Vice President. Why is it actually important to know right now?

Your humble servant believes that Romney (here I'll stop inserting "or whoever," just to save time) won't actually get around to selecting a veep until he is certain that he has the party's laurel crown. Of course he's thinking about it now….my guess is that most serious contenders for the No. 2 nod wouldn't think of accepting until Romney's nomination is certain.

Anyway, Romney won't know how much of a consolation prize he has to give to the Tea Party folks until he has the nomination wrapped up…..and let's face it, the veep is pretty much the caboose on the campaign train, anyway…..

All of the current veep stakes bloviation that's clogging up the air waves and using up precious bandwidth is just so much hot air right now…

Well, I do feel pretty confident in saying "Sarah P., fuggeddaboudit"

Otherwise, amigos, tune out for a while, go on about your business, let the primary process play out……

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