Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The search for a vice president……

OK, today it's Pawlenty, a while back it was Christie, it never was Santorum….

The news media and the cable TV talking heads are starting to get frothy about who Romney will pick for his vice presidential running mate. As far as I know, every presidential nominee since Washington has gone to some lengths to keep his VP pick secret until the "last" or "right" moment, and I guess Romney will do the same…

So the media speculation, as usual, is very close to completely useless, although I grant there may be some entertainment value there from time to time (e.g. Christie as Veep…omigaw!)

Here's my prediction: Romney's biggest challenge right now is to decide how much of a consolation prize he will toss to the Tea Party folks when he picks a running mate.

The Tea Party candidates crashed and burned during the primary season, but that doesn’t mean that our friends and neighbors of the Tea Party persuasion have gone away…..

I'm hoping that more of the Tea Party adherents will start to put their own self interests, and those of their families and friends, in a more respectable balance with their political views.

But in the meantime, Romney's got his challenge in the search for a VP ….I can wait to find out…

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