Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The wisdom of Henry Ward Beecher

"The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is
          that one comes from a strong will,
                 and the other from a strong won't."

Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)
Abolitionist, social reformer, Congregational minister

When was the last time you thought about Henry Ward Beecher? He was in the headlines during the Civil War, all in all an upright guy. His sister was Harriet Beecher Stowe, think "Uncle Tom's Cabin," she was the "little lady who started this great war!" in Lincoln's timeless estimation.

Anyway, Henry could put together a mean epigram, see above. If you feel any sense of reproach as you read it a second time, then Hank's effort wasn't wasted.

Stick with the "will" stuff, the "won't" stuff not so much….

Drucker on good intentions....

Winona Laduke on thinking big....

Keynes famously sticks up for facts....

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