Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I don't get it....

Congress has a public approval rating of 9%, I get that part, most Senators and Representatives stopped doing the public's business years ago—they're just doing the incumbents' business, focused in whatever misguided ways on getting re-elected….

Now, here's the part I don't get: Mississippi and Alabama had their primary elections yesterday. One Senator and seven U.S. Reps are up for re-election in those two states, and yesterday every single one of them was re-nominated for another term. By huge majorities. Sheesh.

Where were the 91% who don't give a good rating to Congress? Maybe they don't live in Alabama and Mississippi… Maybe those eight members of Congress who got another nod yesterday are the best of the best…

Maybe all the folks who are fed up with Congress didn't bother to vote yesterday...that's another part I just don't get….

A super PAC that fights entrenched incumbents....


  1. In addition to that the exit polls showed that 44% hated the federal govt. Go figure.

  2. Exactly. What part don't those voters get? I don't get it.

  3. The more I think about the more you sound like the Tea Party because that group sure did get rid of incumbents... Republicans and Democrats alike

  4. WEll since I live in Mississippi and I am one of those that is disappointed in that Senator and one of those congressmen from my state, I can assure you that voter turn out was poor as usual.
    I voted against both of my reps in the pprimary and will now do some research on their opponents. If the democrats are better to govern, I will probably vote against the two incumbants.
    Key word being against.
