Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3 out of 4 ain't good

It's bad news when it's good news that 75% of American high school students get their diplomas after four years of readin' and ritin' and 'rithmetic. Read that "only" 75%....

Now that's a 2009 report, most recent available, and the figure is up 3.5 points from the graduation rate in 2001. So we're seeing progress.

But it's depressing good news….the other 25% of kids who dropped out or couldn't keep up got an automatic "Do Not Pass GO" card instead of a diploma, they'll be paying for their failure to graduate all their lives, and we'll be paying for their failure to graduate, too, in lost productivity, increased social aid, impacts on their children, the fallout of lost dreams…

I realize that looking for a 100% graduation rate is foolishness, but “the land of the free and the home of the 25% of young adults who didn’t graduate from high school” doesn’t rhyme too well….

Other posts on education:







  1. How does unwed and single parents play into these stats?? Maybe a traditional family has more high school grads than drop outs or not. My guess is that they do. Maybe social conservatism has a point. What about busing and school discipline that's totally gone. And do we need to talk about the teacher unions robbing the coffers of school boards for their pension yet the kids have no education. My vote...make chief joseph supernatant

  2. I displayed this comment because it represents a point of view...if it also had presented a constructive proposal or opinion, I'd be happier...
