Saturday, March 31, 2012

The wisdom of Ian and Sylvia

"…these are moments apart…
known only to you and I,
for old friends and lovers have no need to talk
of the how and the where and the why…"

Ian and Sylvia (Ian b. 1933, Sylvia b. 1940)
From their song "January Morning"

If you've been lucky enough in your life to have an old friend or lover, and thus, to be an old friend or lover, then you know what les deux Canadiens are saying….

…and you know it's a quiet, evergreen joy to merely touch your partner, or do the gaze, and share a memory of your son, or see again your grandchild's first steps, or savor the enduring fruits of long-ago halcyon energies, or decide to have another teeny slice of carrot cake for dessert….

The mostly pensive Ian and Sylvia brand of Canadian folk and country music was on the charts in the 1960s and '70s, never really at the top of the charts, I think the flower child segment never caught on to the bittersweet pathos of their songs…

If you've never been in love, maybe you won't feel the hurt in this bit  from "French Girl" ----

We talked of all,
we talked of nothing,
I left with promises to meet,
she told me where.

But she laughed each time I asked her name,
vague promises to meet again,
but her friends down at the French cafe
had no English words for me.

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