Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Quid pro quo......not

I have a request for all of the Republican primary voters in North Dakota, Oklahoma and Tennessee who voted for Rick Santorum and Ron Paul on Super Tuesday. (Reminder: Santorum won those three states, with a little less than 40% of the votes).

Again, my request is going out to the Santorum/Paul voters who obviously like the candidates who are talking up "less government," "cut those entitlements," "get the government out of our lives," "get the government off our backs"…..

I'd like it if they would give the money back.

The money I'm talking about is all of the federal spending (social benefits, highway construction, government services including air traffic control and water management and mail delivery and education, you know…) that goes into those three states.

Now, to be fair, I have an offer for those same folks: you can stop paying federal taxes.

I figure that works out to a great big bonanza for those of us in the other 47 states.

We'll save a big chunk of money, because the people of North Dakota, Oklahoma and Tennessee benefit from total federal spending that exceeds their federal tax bills.

For every dollar of federal tax they pay,

the people of North Dakota receive $1.68 in federal spending

the people of Oklahoma receive $1.36 in federal spending

the people of Tennessee receive $1.27 in federal spending

More on federal spending and taxes

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