Monday, May 7, 2012

To all job creators: Get to work! (part 7)

Corporate tax payments are the lowest they've been in decades, and the so-called Bush tax cuts are still in force. What the heck are the "job creators" doing? They sure aren't doing much job creating. It's hard to avoid suspecting that they're deliberately keeping their feet on the brake pedal instead of the gas pedal, intending to tamp down our national economy and weaken President Obama's chances for re-election in November.

Lots of companies are actually in pretty good financial shape. There is a record amount of cash in the corporate coffers….interest rates are pretty darn close to zero, so companies aren't making any money on that cash. Why aren't they investing it and creating new jobs?

Execs of big companies are writing home to Mom about their success. In 2007—before the financial meltdown—the firms in the S&P 500 reported an average $378,000 in revenue per employee. Last year the number was $420,000. That's a pretty good imitation of "recovery."

And CEOs are doing OK….last year the top 100 best-paid CEOs had median income of $14.4 million. You can live on that….

To all job creators: Where are you? Who are you? Create some American jobs!

More advice for job creators:

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