Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's real, what's happening now…

But too many folks aren't handling the whole truth.

Too many folks are talking about only narrow slices of reality, and they don't see or they don't understand the big picture….too many of them can't do either…too many of them are fuzzy about their own self-interest, and so they invest their private, public and political energy in concerns that unfortunately aren't really relevant for them.

Too many folks today have a relentless ignorance of the context of current events and human affairs, they forget that we don't live in the 18th century or the 19th century.....Adam Smith and the so-called Founding Fathers and American business and political icons of the past had no experience of our current situation and couldn't possibly have imagined the social, economic and financial conditions we face today --- invoking their "wisdom" really doesn't help much now....

Take a few minutes to reflect on what you're sounding off about right now….are you on track? Are you truly tuned in to your own self-interest, now and for the long term?

Just sayin'….

Political news coverage needs improvement

The wisdom of Plato...

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