Sunday, September 30, 2012

What does "undecided" mean?

I've been reading some reasonably credible political analysis that indicates there are only relatively few folks among us who claim at this late hour to be "undecided" about the presidential campaign, who say they're not sure about voting for President Obama or Romney.

It seems the academic pollsters have believed since last December that less than 5 per cent of the "likely voters" are "undecided." [Leave aside for the moment all of the good reasons to pay almost no attention to political polls, let's just talk about this more or less undisputed, persistent, non-partisan poll result...].

Since last winter, the small number of undecideds hasn't changed much, although it seems that only about half of that small number have been undecided since last year.

The other half keeps changing:  some "undecided" folks make up their minds, some of the "decideds" abandon their conviction and move into the "I'm not sure" camp...

I just hope that "undecided" isn't a euphemism for "I'm not going to bother to vote"......

I realize that "not voting" is an option, but it's not a realistic choice: only a tiny fraction of Americans live in circumstances in which the winner on Nov. 6 really won't make any difference to them...

....I'm not in that group, and, unless I miss my guess, you aren't either....

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