Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Romney, dishing to his big donors….

If you're planning to vote for President Obama, you probably felt like a lump sometime in the last couple weeks, because Mitt Romney lumped you in with all the other "victims" who are supporting the president during a candid speech, to wealthy donors, that Romney thought was private. It's an eye-opener, Romney said you're one of the ones who "don't take personal responsibility and care for their lives." See it and hear it here on MotherJones.com:

If you're planning to vote for Romney, you should watch the MotherJones clip to get an earful about the private thinking of the man. You should probably double-check to make sure you're not in the "47%" that he's talking about.

If you're really not sure yet who you're going to vote for, you should watch the MotherJones clip to get an earful about the private thinking of the man. And reflect on it—do you want to vote for the candidate who has this withering view of half the voters in America? Maybe you're one of them….

What Romney didn't say at the GOP convention:

A comment on the Republican convention...

What President Obama didn't say at his convention:

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